karol orzechowski
Content Director
karol orzechowski is a longtime animal advocate with a passion for advocacy, art, statistics, and tech. In addition to producing numerous short films on various animal issues, karol is the director of Maximum Tolerated Dose, a feature-length documentary about the psychological toll of vivisection on both animals and humans. He completed a Bachelor of Environmental Studies and an MA in Communications and Culture at York University, writing theses on nationalism and the Atlantic seal hunt, and Canadian rodeo culture, respectively. When he's not working for Faunalytics, karol is the Board President of an arts-focused student and community centre in his home town. Outside of work, karol is often reading about and practicing computer hacking, performing at events in his local arts scene, or walking with Raoul the rescue dog.
Session: Sat. Sept 28, 3:20pm - 4:05pm - AI in Animal Law: Ethics, Opportunities, and Pitfalls